Disclaimer: nope, sorry dont own any of them Spoilers: Angel finding out Buffys dead. Notes: this is my way of thinking how Angel reacted when he got the news. Oh and the song Gone is by N SYNC, I think they are ok, but the song fits well.
Feedback: YES PLEASE!!!!!
"Theres no place like Willow?" "Huh? Willow?" Cordy stepped up. Willow stood up from where she was sitting. "Willow whats wrong?" Cordy asked. "Its Buffy." Angel answered.
"Whats wrong with Buffy?" Cordy asked. "Angel...she....uhhh...Buffy" tears started to come down her cheeks. Cordy went to comfort her, Gunn and Wesley stood near Angel, and Fred didnt know what to do so she just sat down. "Buffy she is she's dead." "Oh my god." Was all Cordelia could say. "How can that be?" Wesley asked. "She was one of the strongest slayers out there." Angel hadn't said a word. "Angel?" Cordy asked. "Angel Buffy died saving the world. It was a hard battle against Glory. Buffy was able to kill her but portals were opening," and more tears came down from her face. "She didnt want Dawn to die, or any of us. She saved us Angel. It was a hard battle but we did it, but it came out to this. I'm so sorry." She cried more. Cordy had embraced her into a hug, having tears come down too. He still hadnt said a word. He couldnt believe that his love was gone. He fell to the floor and started crying. Willow sat next to him, embracing him. "I miss her too." He cried a bit more before he stood himself up. "This is all a joke right? She is not dead, she is alive." Angel..." she was cut off. "No! dont want to hear it she is alive." He ran out of the hotel into his car on his way to see his love. Willow was going after him. "Willow Im coming with you." Cordy said walking towards her. "Gunn, Wes, watch Fred." They both nodded, and the two girls headed for Sunnydale.
Angel went straight to the cemetery. He didnt know why he just went to her house, and checked there first. He walked around Restfield Cemetery, looking to see if she had a grave. When he didnt see one, he knew that they were messing with him, but it was a cruel joke. Before leaving he had remembered that Joyce was buried here, he then went to visit her. When he got to the spot that she had been buried he saw a fresh new grave next to hers. He then got worried. Worried that it was his Buffy. He slowly walked over to the new grave and read it
Buffy Anne Summers 1981-2001 Beloved Sister Devoted Friend She Saved The World A Lot
"Oh god no!" tears are running down his face. "Oh god Buffy. I should have been here with you. Then this would not have had happen." He sat down on the grass facing the head stone. "It shouldnt have been like this Buffy. You shouldnt have died this way. It should have been peaceful. It should have been with me, by my side, when we are together and old. Not like this."
There's a thousand words That I could say To make you come home Seems so long ago You walked away Left me alone And I remember what you Said to me You were acting so strange, Mmm
"There was so much that I wanted to tell you. A lot has happened in these pass few months that we have been apart. I dont know where to begin. I wish that you were here looking at me with your beautiful eyes listening to me. Im sorry that I left you. I didnt want to, but I had to. I didnt want to cause you more pain than you already were. I knew that Angelus would come out again and I couldnt let that happen again. I couldnt see you in so much pain again. And you already know that I left so you could have a normal life. But then I came to realize that itll never be normal, your the slayer, nothing is ever normal. Then I came to see that you moved on and Im glad you did. As for me, I can, but I dont want to."
Maybe I was too blind to see That you needed a change Was it something I said To make you turn away To make you walk out And leave me cold If I could just find a way To make it so that You were right here Right now
"I dont know if you are listening to me, cause right now you can be mad at me, but I never told you this but you should know. I wanted to tell you before but you wouldnt believe me. That day you came and told me to stop lurking, you were there more than 5 minutes. I know what you are thinking no I wasnt, I remember I told you to stop then left. There is more to the story than that. That was a different version of that day. The first time you came you told me to stop, right about when you were about to leave a Morha demon burst through my window in my office. We went into the sewers to look for it and kill it. You went to Santa Monica to check out this one bar where demons go get patched up, while I stayed in the sewers. I tracked it and I killed it. Some of its blood mixed with mine and I became human. I came back and told Cordy to find you but told her not to tell you yet, till I knew what it meant. I went to the Oracles and they said that I was free, that I was to live as a human. After the Oracles I went to look for you, I found you walking on the pier, walked up took you in my arms and kissed you. We spent the whole day eating, making love, in my apartment. Just you and me, it was perfect. But then I had to kill the demon again and I almost died if you hadnt come to my rescue. I went to see the Oracles again and I asked them to turn me back. I know that now you are saying why? I did it cause they said that you would die. Tears kept running down his cheeks. But look what happened. Your gone, and I wasnt there."
I've been sitting here Can't get you off my mind I've tried my best to be a man And be strong I've drove myself insane Wishing I could touch your face But the truth re-mains You're
"Are you mad that I didnt tell you? I wasnt sure if I could, or how. I bet all the other things that Im going to tell you are going to make you even madder. I still wonder what would have happen if I didnt ask them to turn me back, would you still be here? If I was here would this have happen?"
Gone You're gone Baby you're Gone, girl you're gone Baby girl you're gone You're gone you're
"More bad things happened too. I dont want to tell you, but I knew I would have too sooner or later. There is this law firm called Wolfram and Heart. They heard about me, and now they are trying to seduce me to come to their side. They want me evil again, I didnt want that to happen so I took whatever they threw at me. This has been going on for a while, and they have tried everything. But I never expected this one thing. I never thought they would do something this crazy. They had brought back Darla. I know you are thinking how can that be, they did some kind of spell. During the time that she was back she would be in my dreams talking to me, reminding me about our past. She just wouldnt stop. Then I fired my crew. I dont know why, I just didnt want them to be in the middle of it. I tried helping her adjust to her new soul, but nothing worked. Then more stuff happened, Dru came back and turned Darla, Wesley got shot, everyone, Cordy, Wesley, Gunn they were all mad at me. Then one night I just gave up, I thought to myself that there was nothing ahead of me. I did the dumbest thing I could ever do; I slept with Darla. I had just given up on myself; I started thinking I could just go all evil again. But when I woke up I was still me. I didnt achieve the one moment of happiness. I cant unless it is with you. Then I ended up working for Cordy, Gunn, and Wes."
"Then it sort of got better from there, I gained some of their trust again. Then we had came across a really big problem. We got sucked up into another dimension, one where I could walk into the sunlight, and not burn. Too bad you werent there with me. Then as you know it went bad, I saw my true self, the monster that I am. We brought back a girl named Winifred but we call her Fred. When we got back thats when we found Willow sitting in the lobby."
Now I don't wanna make Excuses baby Won't change the fact That you're gone But if there is something That I could do Won't you please let me know The time is passing so Slowly now Guess that's my life Without you And maybe I could change My every day But baby I don't want to So I'll just hang around And find some things to do To take my mind off missing you And I know in my heart You can't say that you don't Love me too Please say you do
"There is one more thing that I need to tell you and then Im done. A while ago Wesley, Cordy, and I were in my office looking stuff up in old books. Then Wesley came across some prophecy about me. It said that once I fulfill my destiny, we would basically fight some big evil or something, that I would become human after defeating it."
There was a long pause.
"Once again you are thinking why didnt you tell me. I didnt because I didnt know how long it would take for this to happen, and I didnt want you to waste your life just waiting. You would just be more miserable than before. I cant see you sad anymore. Its all because of me. All I have done is made your life miserable. Im sorry, sorry for everything. I just want you back." He had tears running down his cheeks.
I've been sitting here Can't get you off my mind I've tried my best to be a man And be strong I've drove myself insane Wishing I could touch your face But the truth re-mains you're
Now Angel had been there for about an hour, sitting and talking to her. Angel got up and went to her head stone." I found this when I came back from hell. I didnt know if you wanted it back," he said taking out her claddaugh ring. "I kept it all this time. But now its yours forever." Angel placed it on top of the head stone, and then just hit it with his bare hand. Now the ring was stuck into the stone. Angel looked at his palm of his hand and saw that he was bleeding, but he couldnt feel anything, he was numb.
Gone You're gone You're gone You're gone You're gone You're gone Oh
Angel didnt hear Dawn walk up next to him.
"Angel?" He looked over to her. "Dawn? What are you doing here?" "Looking for you." "Why? Its not good to be alone at a time like this." "Time like this? Buffy is gone and I cant do anything about it. My whole life is crumbling down now that she is gone." "Angel the sun is about to come up in a few hours. You need to get inside." "What for Dawn? Whatever I do, its not going matter. Everything I did was for her. Now whatever I do it means nothing." "Angel what are you talking about. Everything you do means something. Not just to Buffy but to everyone else you help." He went quiet. "I should have been here Dawn. I could have been able to prevent this. But I was in another dimension." "It was a tough battle, everyone did what they could. They all fought hard, we all tried our best."
What will I do If I can't be with you Tell me where will I turn to Baby where will I be Now that we are apart Am I still in your heart Baby why don't you see That I need you here with me
"But what if I was here Dawn? Would any of this be happening?" "I dont know Angel, but it could have. She did it for us Angel, for me." Tears were coming down her cheeks. "I miss her Angel. Im mad that she did it, but she did it so that I can live. First it was mom, but now, its her. I have no one now." Angel walked over to her. "Dawn you have everyone in Sunnydale and in LA. They are all here for you. "But its not the same. I know that they all care but I want mom and Buffy back." Angel took her in his arms and let her cry her eyes out.
I've been sitting here Can't get you off my mind I've tried my best to be a man And be strong I've drove myself insane Wishing I could touch your face But the truth re-mains you're gone
"Come on Dawn, I need to get you home before they all get really worried." "Willow and Cordelia know that Im here. They stopped by the house first and I told them that I would get you." "Oh." "Well we should go now." "Ok." Before leaving Angel went back to his loves headstone and kissed the ring that was now embedded in it. "Goodbye my love." He whispered before heading back to the house with Dawn.
It was a quiet walk back to the house. When they went inside Willow, Cordy, Xander, Anya, and Giles were all in the living room. Cordy walked over to Angel. "Are you ok?" "No." Cordy gave him a hug saying that it was going to be ok. "Angel do you think I can stay with you in LA for awhile?" Dawn asked. "You sure you want to Dawn?" Willow asked. "Yeah, but only for a week or something, I just need to be somewhere else but here right now. I mean I love that you guys are here I just cant be here. Do you know what I mean?" "Yeah I do Dawn." Willow said giving her a hug. "Can I Angel?" he looked at Cordy. "Yeah you can. Why dont you go pack some stuff right now." "Ok." "I'll help." Cordy said walking upstairs with Dawn.
I've been sitting here Can't get you off my mind I've tried my best to be a man And be strong I've drove myself insane Wishing I could touch your face But the truth re-mains you're
Angel just stood there looking at the people in the living room. "Willow?" he softly said calling her over. "Do you mind me going to Buffys room?" "Sure go ahead." "Thanks." Angel made his way upstairs to her room. He walked in and the smell of vanilla came to his nose." She always loved vanilla." He thought to himself. He looked around and noticed that her stuff was not touched, except for a few boxes. He walked over to her dresser and looked at the pictures she had in frames. There was one of her and the gang, her, Xander, and Willow, one of Dawn and her, then the one that caught his eye it was of him and Buffy. He didn't remember taking a picture but he figured that one of the gang must have sneaked to get this picture taken. Willow knocked on the door softly. "You can have whatever you want Angel." "Thanks." He then opened her jewelry box. "Willow, where did Buffy keep the cross that I gave her?" "We buried her with it. I figured that she would want to have it with her." He then walked over to her closet. He opened it and saw that she still had his leather jacket. "Once in a while I would see her wearing that." "I gave it to her when we had just met." "Thats one piece of her clothing she would never get rid of and let anyone wear." "After her moms funeral, and after I saw her how was she holding up?" "She seemed better after you came, that was the first time in the whole week she wasnt crying as much." All Angel could say was "Oh." Angel looked around more. "We should get going." "Thanks Willow." "No problem." J"ust dont forget to visit." "I won't." they both headed downstairs. Everyone was standing by the door. "I'll only be there for a week or 2 Xander." "I know, but I'll miss you hanging around." He gave her hug. "I'll stop by soon." Angel said. They all said their goodbyes and walked out. Willow walked with Angel. "Take care ok Angel." "I will. Thanks again."
Gone You're Gone You're gone You're gone Baby girl you're gone You're gone But the truth re-mains You're
As they got into the car and drove off, the wind blew and a faint whisper could be heard "I'll see you soon my Angel, soon." She said smiling.