Title: Intense Author: Aurora Rating: Definite R for language and violence Disclaimer: Not mine. Feedback: Like chocolate- addictive! Part: (1/?) Distribution: If you want it, take it and let me know! Spoilers: Life Serial, B.A. Canon, and Bargaining on BtVS, Carpe Noctem on AtS AN: For this story, Xander has accompanied Buffy and Cordelia has accompanied Angel to their off-screen season 6/3 meeting. I know it's been done a lot, but this is my angry, angsty version. From Cordy, Xander, Buffy, and Angel's multiple POV's. Summary: Buffy and Angel (with Cordy and Xander in tow) meet each other after Flooded/CN
* ~Buffy~
I felt him before I saw him. I could feel him all around, I felt the tingles that went up my spine. I felt the warmness that flooded my veins. When I finally laid eyes on him, I couldn't believe whom I saw.
Who was this man staring back at me?
This surely was not my Angel, my knight, my champion, and my brave warrior.
He looked different now. His eyes encompassed a light that covered the darkness that had plagued him for centuries. He had hope, he knew he was going to be redeemed. The happiness and warmth that surrounded him startled me. I was not comforted by it, not as I had been by the coldness and brooding of his former demeanor.
I looked into his eyes, and they skittered away from mine nervously. I wanted to die. He held love in his eyes. But the love was not for me. It was for another. I glanced at whom he brought with him to our meeting and I knew before he told me.
Cordelia was riding shotgun in the convertible.
Damn him! Damn him to hell! I gave him everything I had left and he had given my gift to someone else! He thwarted me, I would never have a relationship like ours again and I couldn't bring myself to love anyone as completely as I did him.
It was all his fault! Damn him! I was young and innocent and he had ripped everything from me and left me a shell. My virginity, my innocence, everything. It was all gone. To him, to someone who didn't care.
She looked up at me, then to Cordelia.
I felt like I had I killed her.
It looked like I had killed her. She knew that I was in love with Cordelia. Her eyes welled with tears and she stumbled backwards, into the grill of Xander's car. I stepped forward. She turned and ran from me. I gave chase, both of us running from the parking lot of the Hot Dog on a Stick.
She continued to run, although I could sense she was about ready to snap. Suddenly she stopped running and turned on me. Her leather duster flapped behind her. Her jaw tensed, she blinked back tears I had caused. Then Buffy raised her hand to my cheek.
She hit me.
She hit me harder than anyone had hit me in my entire life. My head swung to the side from the force of the blow. Buffy started sobbing and hit me again, my head snapping in the opposite direction. I welcomed the stinging pain her swings brought as they connected with my face.
*Let her hit me. I deserve it.*
I kept on punching him, working out all of my anger. He just stood there, accepting my blows to his beautiful face. Suddenly, I stopped swinging and connecting and my hands dropped to my sides. I felt the tears run down my face and hadn't realized I had been crying.
Angel reached out to touch me. I knocked his arm to the side.
"Don't. Touch. Me. You don't have the right," I hissed in a whisper.
He stiffened at my words.
"You took everything I fucking had! You took my virginity, my innocence, my heart, and my soul! What's left now? Nothing! I am a fucking shell!" I screamed, tearing at my hair. Clumps came out in my hands.
"I couldn't love Riley, I couldn't love Parker or even Spike, for Christ's sake! You are with me in every breath I take and you don't love me anymore! You're a fucking liar!" I shouted, punching him in the face with everything I had. I heard something snap but didn't care.
Angel fell to the gravel ground, looking up at me in shock and pain. I didn't care anymore that he was in pain. I was in unbearable pain and I was tired of hiding it.
"I'll always love you, Buffy. Forever, isn't that the whole FUCKING POINT!" I screamed, sitting on his chest, pummeling it with little force.
"No! IT'S NOT THE POINT, IS IT, LOVER!" I roared, sitting right on his ribs.
She was so mad. She was so hurt. I shouldn't have brought Cordy with me to see Buffy. But if Buffy didn't find out then, I would never have told her. Buffy had dislocated my jaw and was in serious danger of breaking several of my ribs.
I snapped.
I threw her off of me, and she went flying. She landed in the dusty lawn a few feet away. I was an animal now, feral and feeling the full effects of bloodlust. My body fed off my pain and guilt and anger as I approached her.
My lover sat in a crumpled heap, in the fetal position on the ground.
Oh, god. Did I hurt her?
No. Her eyes opened and she did not fear me.
"Bitch!" I shouted. "Useless whore!"
She quivered on the ground. Her arms were over her chest while her knees were locked side by side. Her eyes did not leave my face as I began to voice my anger.
"Everything is my fault, isn't it, Buffy. I didn't tell you to chose fucking Captain Cardboard as a boy toy! But you did, and he didn't love you like I did, didn't fuck you like I did, so the queen you happen to be was disappointed. Boo. Hoo."
I wasn't done with her yet; I didn't see her tears or her quivering lips or even sense her fear. I was too far-gone; Angelus was at the controls now, yelling everything I had felt over the years.
"I'm sorry nobody is being your servant Buff, but get off your ass and do it yourself and stop acting like a child! I've had you in my bed and I know you're not a child!"
Buffy launched up and her feet connected with my chest, sending me flailing into the road. As I was about to connect with the pavement, I connected with a Ford Pickup going seventy miles an hour.
I heard Buffy scream my name as my head connected with the black asphalt.
I watched as the red pickup struck him. The pickup didn't even stop; it just swerved out of my lover's path and drove over his arm. I heard every bone in his arm snap. I heard his body hit the asphalt with a sickening thud. Everything in my body was crushed.
I heard my voice scream his name but didn't register it. I ran into the road and cradled his limp form in my arms, rocking back and forth. I heard tires behind me, crunching from the gravel parking lot onto the road.
"Buffy! Don't move him!" shouted Xander. He got out of his car and I heard the door slam.
It was Xander who drove up behind us, using his brand new car as a blockade. Cordelia ran over to join the three of us, frantic and winded. I didn't hear anything else they were saying, I simply focused on the unconscious man who head I held in my arms.
"Baby, baby wake up. Come on, baby, please," I whispered to him. I stroked his hair and closed my eyes.
*Not now God, please not now. I can't live without him.*
Cordelia grabbed me up by the arm.
"Stupid useless bitch! All you do is hurt him!" shouted Cordelia. She reared back and punched me in the solar plexus, sending me stumbling backwards.
I watched in envy and shock as Buffy cradled the vampire's head in her arms. I noticed her hand and bare arm was covered in his blood. He didn't move, didn't breathe, didn't do anything. I could hear Buffy calling his name and asking him to wake up.
She called him baby.
The truth hit me like a jackhammer. Buffy Summers, one of my best friends, still loved Angel. I guess we all knew it and never really 'knew it'. She had hidden the truth from everyone, including herself, for three years.
Angel knew it, though. He knew of her undying love for him.
*Damn him. He doesn't deserve it.*
Angel knew it and he left her. He did take everything from her, Buffy was right. Now he was busy showering Cordelia with affections she didn't deserve. No one but Buffy deserved that kind of treatment.
What did Cordelia ever do to win that vampire's affections that Buffy didn't do? How many times had Cordelia saved the world and sacrificed everything for six billion people she had never met?
How about never?
*Undead bastard.*
My thoughts were plagued with hatred for Angel when I heard Cordy's fist connect with Buffy.
The moment Angel was struck by that pickup I almost retched inside his car. Everything froze. A truck had just hit Angel, my best friend in the entire world! It was all Buffy's fault, the stupid bitch. I may have grown a lot since I lived in Sunnyhell, but I will never like Buffy. No matter how many times she saves this world.
I watched their fight by the road, heard them screaming at each other. To be perfectly honest, I wanted Angel to win. I ran out of the convertible and joined Xander on the road.
"Baby, baby wake up. Come on baby. Please," pleaded Buffy with Angel's head in her arms.
I wanted to rip her body limb from limb. It was her fault Angel got hit by the truck. I watched as she stroked his dark brown hair and looked up at Xander worriedly.
I felt jealous as hell. I realized that I loved Angel. I was in love with Angel. I loved him more than I loved anyone else.
"Stupid useless bitch! All you do is hurt him!" I roared, in a voice so unlike mine it scared me. For a moment, I thought perhaps I was possessed by a demon. Instead, I recognized the familiar fire of hatred and jealously coursing through my body.
Suddenly, without really knowing what I was doing, I punched Buffy in the solar plexus like Gunn and Wesley had taught me. Buffy stumbled backwards and stayed on her feet. I quickly stepped around Angel's limp form. I watched as the look in Buffy's eyes switched from fear and love for Angel to pure, unadulterated hatred for me.
I leaned down towards Angel, noting the blood around his head and the bruises on his beautifully chiseled face.
"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" screamed Buffy, shoving me backwards. "You touched me, you touched my mate, I should kill your fucking ass right here!"
"Your mate? What a way to treat your mate! Hitting him and throwing him into the road! You're a fucking idiot!" I screamed. Buffy paused for a moment and stared at me. "You don't deserve him, you conceited, blow-hard, evil bitch! He's more of a person than you'll ever be! Besides- he doesn't love you anymore!"
A moment later, Buffy's fist was in my face, and it felt like I had just been whacked with a wrought-iron two by four. My vision was red and black for a moment, but then it focused on Buffy the Bitch.
I ran towards Buffy, but she delivered a strong blow to my stomach with her right foot, sending me flying. My thighs scraped along the asphalt as I slid face first across the remained of the road and rolled off into the dusty, gravel side of the road.
All thoughts were derailed as I heard something connect with Xander's car. ~Buffy~
Cordelia crossed the line.
*Stupid bitch. I always knew she was a bitch, I just didn't know she was this stupid.*
I delivered a possibly organ-damaging blow to her abdomen and watched as she slid across the asphalt and rolled onto the dusty ravine. I was too occupied with watching her and tending to Angel that I didn't notice what was going on.
I should have sensed the van barreling down the road towards Xander's car. I heard the crunch of metal on metal. I saw Xander fly to the side of the road. I heard his body hit the ground with a sickening thud. I watched Xander roll over to the side, his head at an odd angle and his jaw hanging open.
Xander's car scooted forward with the force of the impact. I saw orange sparks fly on the road as metal scraped across the asphalt. I was hit in the back by Xander's fender. It threw Angel and I forward. My hand grappled for his arm and I pulled his unconscious body towards mine.
We slid violently across the asphalt and then the metal mess came to a screeching halt. I laid my body over Angel's, too stunned to move just then.
Blood was coming from a gash in my back. I still clutched Angel's body in my arms. I looked at his still form and started to sob. I lowered my head to his unmoving chest and clutched his body to mine, just letting the tears flow.
*Please, god. Don't let him die. I love him.*
I came to before Cordelia did. I watched as Buffy and Angel were thrown forward by the fender of my car. It was all in slow motion. I watched as my fender gashed into her back, ripping the leather from her coat and cutting her back open. Even as she was thrown forward, she clutched onto Angel.
She held him to her and sobbed into him, so afraid. I was up and running toward them as the drunken van driver came out of his brown van.
"I didn't see the car!" shouted the overweight man.
"Stupid idiot!" said Buffy in a muffled shout. She lifted her head from his body and slowly turned her tear streaked face towards the man. Her beautiful features were marred by blood and tears. "It was in the middle of the fucking road."
The man sloppily came towards her, but I was easily able to punch him and knock him out.
"Xander," called Buffy. I knelt beside her. "We need to take Angel to the Hyperion and then go back home."
"Buffy, do you-"
"I am not going to watch my former lover die on the asphalt in front of a fucking Hot Dog on a Stick. Are you coming with me or not?"
Xander stared at me after my ultimatium. His eyes slowly travelled to Cordelia, who was beginning to move and moan in the grassy, gravel-littered ravine. I heard her cry out in pain.
My eyes, cold and hard, looked right into Xander's eyes.
"What the fuck are you going to do, Xander? Play the Wimp again and let Angel die in the middle of the fucking road or be a man for once?" I attacked.
Xander's dark eyes widened as her stared at me in shock.
"Buffy, this is not the time to do this," said Xander, shaking his head. His eyes once again travelled from me to Cordelia.
The stupid seer bitch was struggling to her knees in the ravine, blood trailing down her temples, clutching her abdomen with her left arm.
"This may not be the fucking time for this," I warned angrily, "but the time is gonna come, boy."
*Stupid goddam idiot.*
I slowly opened me eyes. My head was throbbing, and I could see three brown vans in the road. Slowly, my vision melded together, and I spied Xander, Buffy the Bitch, and Angel in the road.
"...to do this!" shouted Xander. He flung an angered hand in Buffy's face.
Slowly, painfully, I pulled myself out of the gravel-grass-asphalt-litter ravine hell hole. I was on my knees, my arm now across my throbbing abdomen.
*Fucking bitch almost killed me.*
"This may not be the time for this, but the fucking time will come, boy," warned Buffy. Xander stumbled backwards at the force of her words.
*Rip the bitch apart, limb by limb, piece by piece til Angel is redeemed. Stupid fucker.*
I nodded my head.
*What the hell is going on? Where is Buffy and who the fuck is this in front of me?*
"I'll help you," I told you calmly. "I'll help."
Buffy simply nodded. I watched as the hostile ice melted from her eyes. The ice turned to salty tears and Buffy was in my arms. I was shocked and slowly my arms snaked around her.
"Xander," she blubbered, "help him. Please, please, please. Help him."
I placed my head on her shoulder and said, "Come on, Buff. Let's save the world. Again."
Xander climbed into the ravine and carried the moaning Cordelia out of the ditch.
*Oh, damn it, I did that to her. I hurt another human being. Oh, shit.*
Xander and I put Cordelia in Angel's convertible, propping her up in the front seat. Xander was driving, and I held Angel in the backseat as we went to LA. My white t-shirt was coated in his blood. My hand was covered in his blood. All I could smell was his blood.
The key to life- his life, was my blood.
As Xander continued to drive, I took off my torn leather duster and exposed my wrist. Angel was still unconscious, but he needed to be awake when we got to LA. I looked over my shoulder at the sight on the road as I contemplated him drinking from me again.
There was a brown van smashed into a blue car. An overweight drunken man was out like a light beside his van. There was a pool of blood on the ground, along with a strip of my leather jacket. I clenched my jaw and turned back to Angel.
I shoved my wrist into his mouth. Nothing happened. Damn it.
I fully came to as Xander was driving Angel's convertible.
"What the hell are you doing!" I shouted in a loud, sleepy voice.
"I am driving you two back to Los Angeles," said Xander in an angry voice.
Two of his fingers were broken and there was a gash across his forehead. He clenched the steering wheel with his good hand.
I looked at myself. There were scratches (or burns) from the asphalt as my body slid across it. My thighs were raw and bleeding. My front and back hurt like fire.
There was a bruise across my cheek. I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out Angel's first aid kit. As I did, I looked into the rearview mirror.
Buffy was slitting her wrist with a Swiss Army Knife.
I saw Cordelia watching me as I slipped the blade across my wrist. She watched noiselessly as I shoved my wrist into Angel's mouth. Slowly, he writhed and began to drink. He was so weak his face did not even contort.
"Damn Slayer blood," noted Cordelia as she began to bandage herself up in the front.
A moment later, his eyes opened. They were glassy and he looked confused, but his beautiful eyes were open. I looked at him and he struggled to move my wrist from his mouth.
It only made me force it on him, and he quit struggling as he accepted it.
I came out of a wonderful sleep with Buffy's wrist being forced in my mouth. Slayer blood is by far the best in the world. I had sworn I would never drink from her again. I had sworn I would never scar her again. I did not force her to do this. She willingly slit her wrist and shoved it into my mouth.
She knew I was dying.
Forgotten were our cruel words, our blows, and our fight by the road. I had called her a bitch. I had hurt her so much she threw me into the road.
*She loves me.*
*Buffy still loves me.*
I had moved on because she had moved on. But because she still loved methis was more than I could bear. The truth was not in her words, but in her present actions. She sacrificed her precious blood to save me. I don't even act like I love her anymore.
My whole body ached.
My head ached, my broken arm ached, and my heart ached. When I was finally conscious enough to sit up on my own, I was overwhelmed by the scent of her blood. It was everywhere.
"Buffy," I croaked.
She looked at me, her eyes glassy and still.
*Oh. God. No.*
Noiselessly I watched as her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell into unconsciousness.
~ Xander~
I heard Buffy hit the back seat with a thump.
"Detour?" I asked Angel.
"Los Angeles Memorial Hospital. Take the next exit onto the superhighway," he instructed.
"What happened?" he asked me.
"After you got hit by the car, Buffy ran into the street after you. I used my car as a blockade. A van rammed my car and my fender sliced into Buffy's back," I told him. "This was after the Buffy/Cordelia smackdown."
"Shit," I heard Angel say in irritation.
"Just keep driving, Xander," insisted Cordelia as she bandaged my forehead.
We must have been a sight to see when Angel carried me into the Emergency Room. There was blood on my wrist and running down my back from a cut six inches long. My face was bruised and I was limply in his arms.
Angel carried me into the hospital despite his broken arm, severe head injury, and the fact that there was gash in his skull. I woke up in the trauma room, receiving stitches and blood transfusions. Cordelia trailed Angel in, with long asphalt burns on her thighs.
I couldn't look at her without feeling guilty as hell.
Xander barely made it into the hospital before he collapsed from his head wound. We were on neighboring hospital beds in the trauma room. Cordelia, who was the least banged-up of us all, told me this. She had the sanity to call Wesley and Gunn to tell them everybody was okay.
When I woke up, it was early morning. I was in a hospital room all by myself.
"Angel!" I shouted, coming out of a nightmare. I felt something cold on my hand, laced between my fingers. I looked up and I saw Angel. He hadn't left my bedside since that night. His arm was in a sling and there were stitches in his head. He still had his beautiful hair- he wouldn't let the hospital attendees touch it.
"You're here," I noted, rubbing my eyes.
"Yeah. Nice to have you back with the living," he said to me.
I looked at him. There were bruises on his face.
I had caused them when I hit him.
"I am sorry for what I said to you. I was so jealous," I told him, touching a bruise on his face. He shuddered when I made contact with his face.
"It's okay, Buffy," he told me.
Even as he said this, I knew it wasn't okay. It would never be okay.
I entered the room right after Buffy woke up. She had Angel's face in her hand and she was crying.
*Great, two minutes awake and the S.O.B. already had her sobbing.* I came and sat on the edge of Buffy's bed since Angel was occupying the lone chair.
"Xander," said Buffy with a smile, "can we *please* go home?"
"Yeah, whenever you feel up to it," I told her.
"I need to get the hell out of L.A. Every time I am here, something bad happens," Buffy told me with a grin.
I noticed that as Buffy said that, Angel looked pained. I had no clue why, and frankly, I didn't care, but I noted his pain. A car had hit me because Buffy had knocked his undead ass into the street.
*Couldn't an undead bastard stay dead when you killed him or sent him to hell or hit him with a fucking truck?*
But I shouldn't be angry with Angel. I should be pissed at Buffy because she had been lying to us for years about not loving Angel. But I knew that it was a fight I would never win. So, I left it.
I arrived home with a bucket of Fried Chicken while Giles, Dawn, Willow, and Tara ate dinner. I had pulled a stitch on the way home and my head was killing me. Willow and Dawn were desperate for details on my visit with Angel.
"It was intense. I think I want to keep this one to myself, guys," I told them, plopping the bucket on the table.
Before I left the hospital that morning, Angel had pulled me aside.
"Buffy," he had said, "I want to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you."
"I know, Angel. I forgive you," I whispered. As I leaned forward to kiss his cheek, our lips met. We began to kiss as two long separated and devoured with passion in the middle of a hospital hallway.
When it was over, he looked genuinely flustered.
"I'll see you," he said. His hand lingered in mine.
"Yeah" I said, my voice trailing off. Before I could turn to leave, he had grabbed me again, cast and all and we were kissing passionately against the hospital wall.
I pulled away from him and walked towards the elevator.
"Have fun with Cordelia, I know you love her," I bit out sadly.
"I'll always love you more," he reassured me.
"Always," I reaffirmed, stepping into the elevator. I stared at him until the elevator doors shut.
"That's it? Intense?" pried Willow, bringing me back to reality.
My finger lingered on my lips and I said, "Intense."